Consult an Optometrist for Common Eye Ailments


These blurry or cloudy patches develop over time to cause reduced vision. Most common in older adults, cataracts can be treated surgically when necessary to provide relief.


When pressure builds up inside the eye and is unable to escape, the normal fluids inside your eye become blocked. While it is simple for a professional to detect, patients do not usually notice any symptoms. Glaucoma can lead to permanent blindness or vision loss, so it’s important to get regular exams to prevent any potential risks.

Age-elated macular degeneration

Caused by damage to the macula, this condition leads to gradual vision loss or blurriness. While it does not generally cause complete blindness, the location of the vision loss is in the central part of the eye and therefore leads to challenges for everyday activities.

Diabetic eye disease

People who suffer from diabetes are at risk for developing a number of eye conditions commonly referred to as Diabetic Eye Disease. These conditions can cause varying degrees including total

man going for an eye exam

Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams are important for every member of the family. We encourage you test your eyes frequently to make sure your vision is at its best and there are no issues on the horizon. Having a checkup is a simple way to keep your eye health on track. Then bring your prescription to us!

Due to the passing of Dr. Kwasnek, we are unable to provide in-store eye exams at the current time. However, we accept all outside prescriptions and are here to help you find the perfect frame.  

Regular Eye Exams

Children and Senior Eye Exams

Children and Seniors each have their own unique set of requirements for optimal eye health. Ensuring that care is received by a licensed optometrist can help maintain good vision. Children will perform better in school. Older people can reduce the risk of eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration.

We are unable to provide in-store eye exams at the current time. However, we accept all outside prescriptions and have many excellent frame choices for children and seniors.

eye testing

Emergency Eye Exams

Any of the following symptoms may warrant an emergency visit to an optometrist – go online to find a doctor near you!
  • Spots or Flashes of Light
  • Eye Pain
  • Eye Injury or Accident
  • Sensitivity to Light
  • Excessive Watering
  • Itching or Burning Eyes
  • Other Unusual Visual Symptoms
  • Visual Field Testing
An eye examination can detect dysfunction in central and peripheral vision. Causes of dysfunction can be caused by glaucoma, stroke, pituitary disease, brain tumours or other neurological deficits. The term glaucoma refers to a group of eye diseases that affect the optic nerve responsible for transmission of light impulse that allows you to see. Many forms of glaucoma are asymptomatic so you may be unaware of existing or developing problems unless you have regular eye exams. If you have blind spots in your peripheral or central vision, blurred vision accompanied by headaches, nausea and pain or tunnel vision please discuss with your doctor.

Refractive Conditions


Most people have heard of the term “nearsightedness”. This means that a patient can see clearly close up, as in reading a book, but cannot see objects in the distance without glasses


This is the opposite of Myopia. It means “farsightedness”, or the inability to see objects that are close up without the help of glasses.


When there is a curvature of the eye, patients are unable to focus on light which leads to blurred vision.


When we lose our ability to focus on objects at near. The lens in the eye grows throughout our life and becomes too large for the eye muscles to focus.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to clean my eyeglasses?
When cleaning your plastic lenses you must ensure they are wet. Run them under warm water and use a little soap. Use your fingers to move the soap around in order to coat the entire lens, rinse with warm water, and dry with a soft clean cloth. All optical stores carry special cleaners for cleaning eyeglasses, which are very convenient when you are away from home. Keep a bottle in your purse, your car, your desk, etc.
My job requires me to spend many hours a day at a computer terminal. By the end of the day my eyes are very tired and strained. What causes this and is there anything I can do about it?

Eye fatigue is caused by glare and blue light from your computer screen and the more time you spend at the computer the more this affects your eyes. An anti-reflective coating can virtually eliminate glare by reducing reflections on the surface of your lenses. This improves your vision and results in less eyestrain.

This may also be caused by age-related changes in the eye which make it harder to focus on close objects. Are you in the age-range for developing presbyopia? 45-49. While it doesn’t lead to blindness, presbyopia can make seeing objects close up – like a newspaper, menu, or computer screen – challenging. If you spend hours a day working on a computer and experience eye strain, consider our coated prescription glasses that protect you from blue light.

I always have a problem with glare when I drive in the night time. Why?
When driving at night, light reflects off the surface of uncoated lenses and creates ghost images around oncoming headlights. These ghost images cause distractions and create blurred vision. When an anti-reflective coating is applied to your lenses, these ghost images are virtually eliminated. This allows your eyes to focus clearly on the road ahead, making it safer for you and those around you.
I have recently been told that I have an astigmatism. What is this?
The shape of a normal cornea is round. Astigmatism is caused when your cornea becomes oval shaped. An uncorrected astigmatism may cause blurred, distorted vision and annoying symptoms of eyestrain such as headaches, fatigue, and poor visual concentration. Approximately 85-90% of all eyewear contains correction for astigmatism. Gradual changes in astigmatism do occur with time.
Is it really necessary to wear sunglasses to protect my eyes?
Absolutely! Sunglasses have two major purposes – to protect your eyes from harmful UV radiation and to provide comfortable vision. Ultra violet radiation is absorbed by the eye’s lens located inside the eye behind the pupil. Over a lifetime, excessive exposure to this UV radiation may cause cumulative damage in the form of cataracts and/or retinal degeneration. The depletion of the earth’s ozone layer is adding increasing danger of UV damage to our eyes. Not all sunglasses are equal in quality. They will vary in UV protection, light transmission, and optical quality.